Learn meditation while learning a skill.

Practicing Meditation is boring in beginning and the practicer even do not have any idea if he is doing it right or not, there are so many questions that are involved as one yogi said " In state of Meditation no questions, left or in other words when you are over and beyond questions you have reached Samadhi or meditation. So the learning the skill while you are in state of Mediation or Alpha state, can really improve on your Mediation, or you will it could be a good reason for a mind also to calm down for a bit also. When a person reach a deeper state of being through mediation the mediator becomes very sensitive in that state person can download some good skills from the Universe.  You can learn the skills of internal world, or feeling based like, being Assertive, learn to deal with stress, Learn meditation, social skills, money making skills, negotiating skills, performance based skills, fearlessness. And some skills which needs practice in real life like driving a car, dancing, one can find out in mediation why they are lagging or taking too much time learning that skill. it would be like been child again, it can increase your ability to learn skills faster. If you have certain skill in mind that you want to work on please get in touch with me Via email and I will see, How I can Incorporate that skill here.

Do I have to follow some religion?

No, certainly not, be what you are, one of the reason of adding Technology initials to Mediation is to free meditation from the trap of any religion, Mediation is a technique, and  we have to find ours. Technologies are here to make our life easier, we love to share technologies, we accept technologies also easier than new ideas, once we accept some technology new ideas comes by themselves with them. Also, we do not fight over technologies, we may sue each other for stealing the intellectual properties. Unlike religion, but if we can look at religions as a technology to reach divine, than may be better acceptance come for our religion or other religions, it is like I use Mac, somebody uses windows, but we do not fight over it. It is not moving towards a religion but moving towards creating freedom through technology that mediation brings and makes it easier for us to reach higher state of mediation and recognizing that we are going in the higher meditative state easier.

Why I cannot do it myself?

  Certainly, anybody can do it by themselves, MeditationTech has an idea where the person is taken to deeper state of mediation by an experienced meditator. By showing a person what it is to be like in deeper meditative states, and how far one can go. Once experienced it cannot be taken from a person it becomes there own. Later, they can continue at there own pace. Having another energy always helps and can save lots of time and energy because most of the time is wasted only in knowing, if I am doing it right, am I on right path or not. So, once the path is seen the journey becomes more fun.

How the process works?

Like to figure out things by yourself, that's what I do by creating an inner atmosphere, you do all the heavy lifting, and figure it out. Why to waste time on things that already been figured out by asking few right questions in a meditative state. For science we do the same einstein figured out theory of relativity for the society, we do not go and again figure out the theory of relativity. May be after learning that we might want to figure out further hidden in the realm of science. It goes same for the inner world where, people have already found so much about our body, mind, and soul. We can seek the help from people who have learnt and advance our understanding or their understanding of the universe in it self. Universe is ever expanding, we have to invent lots of stuff.

What happens to you when you are in meditative state?
Science explains these states in various steps, alpha and delta, alpha is when the movement of thoughts is very slow, and which causes more awareness and alertness, since the traffic of thoughts passing through your consciousness is not that much. So these states can be use for achieving desired results in our life. In inner and outer life. It is an experiential, can be passed through words. As said it cannot be taught, but can be caught. 

What is a process like.....
  The process involves energy darshan (experience) through third eye, channeling of healing energy to open all the chakras and energy meridians in the body to create body, mind, soul connections with the  Help of aromatherapy light therapy, music, touch, breathing techniques, watching techniques , crystals would be added to create the ambience and vibration and than through guided meditation the person would be taken to the state of mediation and beyond. The process can be altered keeping the individual in mind. 

Any risks involved?

No, Before introducing this process, I have practiced for years on me, as it involves inner experience to share with the world, I know the pit falls, twists, turns of the journey. The way is to go slowly and patiently. I even practiced on friends and family, and have evolved it a lot and it is still evolving.

What is MediataionTech?
It is movement to combine spirituality with Technology, freeing it from the shackles of religion, so that people can accept it without going out of their way. It is vision where people are just using it to learn and not taking it personal like we take our religion we grew up in. It could be more like using your choice of phone technology, or computer, it is also easier to share a technology than point of views we have. 

2012 shift, what it is?

The change in human consciousness, at a faster pace, if you are frequency of your emotions have intensified, like you are more dissatisfied your job, you were always there but now, it becoming unbearable, frustration is rising with in you. That can be true with all the emotions, anyways if they are so called positive or negative emotions. During shifts we get to experience the polar opposites emotions with more vengeance. It is way of universe to dissolve the duality existed in the universe. So if you are feeling you are not able to deal with numerous emotions that you have brushed off in the past but now you are not able to do it anymore, it's may be the time you start to look at them get to familiarize yourself with them. During this period individual can grow at very faster pace, may be have to deal with way more than their conscious can deal with it. So it can be a blessing in disguise for people looking for change in their consciousness. Shift works like an catalyst, it does not do anything but it's presence adds more energy to the process.

Can, I tailor the process?​

Answer is sure.

I provide you with experience of being into mediation, and using that state for your own benefits. I came across some ideas, which worked through me, if you have something in your mind which you want to learn, unlearn please feel free to share at email@email.com